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Dutch government approved LNG project insurance despite security concerns, report finds

NGOs Milieudefensie and Both ENDS accuse the Dutch export credit agency of downplaying security risks in Cabo Delgado prior to the Palma attack

The Amsterdam headquarters of Atradius DSB, the Dutch export credit agency. Credit: Atradius DSB

The Dutch government disregarded serious security concerns in order to approve export credit insurance worth over $1bn to a key company involved in the TotalEnergies-led $20bn liquified natural gas project in Afungi, northern Mozambique, according to a report published last week by the Dutch civil society organisations Milieudefensie and Both ENDS.

The report, entitled Acceptable Risk? How the security threat in Cabo Delgado was ignored for the benefit ‘The Netherlands Ltd.’, comes as Atradius DSB (ASDB), the Dutch export credit agency, considers whether to reissue the insurance as TotalEnergies prepares to restart the project, which has been suspended since April 2021 following the insurgent attack on Palma. 

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