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Fuelling crime - and tragedy

The sale of contraband fuel is widespread throughout Mozambique. But recent events show it is far from a victimless crime.

Good afternoon. A tragedy at Kenmare’s heavy sand mine on the Nampula coastline has taken a dramatic turn, with the arrest of five employees of one of Kenmare’s subcontractors, on suspicion of murdering a colleague. What was initially reported as an accident is now alleged to have been a conspiracy to do away with a colleague who did not want to take part in a scheme to steal fuel.

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We have more details on the particular case below. But it serves to highlight a broader plague of fuel theft and fraud in Mozambique. Stealing fuel from the so-called ‘mega-projects’ is a major source of revenue for organised crime in the country, which hooks in many willing and unwilling participants — sometimes with fatal consequences.

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