Good afternoon, and welcome back from the long weekend. We are now in election season, and the analysis coming from CIP and Joseph Hanlon, who have together reported on every election Mozambique has ever had, is that Frelimo has demanded its activists produce a win in every single municipality. How they do so is up to them.
Leader article continues below for Pro subscribers. Subscribers to the Zitamar News tier can read the full leader article here.
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A major battle took place over the weekend in Muidumbe district, further evidence that the conflict is coming back after a lull during the rain and fasting season.
The man in charge of the campaign is Celso Correia, nominally the agriculture minister, but that part of his portfolio is likely to take up less and less of his time over the next 18 months. Because after he delivers Frelimo a resounding victory in this October’s municipal elections, attention will turn to reelecting a Frelimo president. And a resounding victory would strengthen the hand of the president who oversaw it — and, of course, the campaign manager.
First an operational note: the next stage of Zitamar’s new tiered paywall strategy starts today. Subscribers on the new, cheaper ‘Zitamar News’ tier will receive the whole of this leader article, and everything else in the ‘top half’ of the Daily; but we say goodbye to free subscribers at this point. But not before highlighting one other leader published last week and which was not sent to some of you, in error:

Now, on with today’s leader.
The dream of a third term for President Nyusi is alive and well, despite Nyusi’s failure to persuade the respected and independent CRED commission to go near the issue.