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Judgment: the government let down Mozambique

The government's good financial award from Privinvest is overshadowed by criticism of how it allowed the disaster to arise

Today’s front pages in Maputo. Photo © Faizal Chauque / Zitamar News

Good afternoon. In financial terms, today's judgment from the High Court in London over the so-called “hidden debts” or “tuna bond” corruption scandal is a major victory for the Mozambican government. In theory, it stands to receive (over a period of several years) around $1.9bn in total from the shipbuilding group Privinvest, which has been the government’s chief antagonist during the case. The government has been awarded a total of over $2.3bn in payments and indemnities, but this has been reduced by $421m to reflect assets that Mozambican prosecutors say they have seized from actors in the scandal. 

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