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Nyusi goes, but Rwanda stays

The president is at pains to reassure investors that Rwandan troops will remain in Cabo Delgado after he steps down

Today’s front pages in Maputo. Photo © Faizal Chauque / Zitamar News

Good afternoon. President Filipe Nyusi’s visit to Kigali, the Rwandan capital, last week, was not important for what Nyusi said about more Rwandan forces being sent to Cabo Delgado province to fight the insurgency; that was simply to publicise a plan that he and Rwandan president Paul Kagame agreed at the end of last year, and which we revealed last month. Nor was it important because of his meetings with the developers of the gas projects in Cabo Delgado. No doubt they were useful encounters, but again they just cemented an already done deal.

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