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Power struggle looms at Frelimo

The selection of candidates for governor is a setback for presidential candidate Daniel Chapo

Today’s front pages in Maputo. Photo © Faizal Chauque / Zitamar News

Good afternoon. Kremlinologists of ruling party Frelimo will have been scrutinising the selection last week of the party’s “head of list” candidates for the provincial elections this October — essentially the candidates to be governor of each of Mozambique’s 10 provinces. Nine of the candidates have been chosen, including the replacement for Daniel Chapo, Frelimo’s presidential candidate, who will step down soon as governor of Inhambane province (see below).

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From the Zitamar Live Blog:

Zitamar Mozambique Live Blog
Zitamar Mozambique Live Blog
Today’s front pages O País leads with elections in South Africa, where the ruling ANC party has lost its parliamentary majority. Another headline is on Mozambique’s ruling party Frelimo’s selection of candidates for provincial governors over the weekend. Notícias leads with the ongoing process to privatise the management of assets seized from criminals. Other headlines include Mozambique’s entry this month into the African continental free trade zone, and trials underway by Italian oil company Eni to produce biodiesel, under an agreement with the Mozambican ministry of agriculture. O Público leads with Frelimo presidential candidate Daniel Chapo’s election campaign. Sign up to the Zitamar Daily Briefing for an in-depth look at the biggest stories in the Mozambican media every weekday 📷 Faizal Chauque / Zitamar News
Zitamar Mozambique Live Blog
Venâncio Mondlane has today renounced his membership of opposition party Renamo, and his seat in the national parliament. Mondlane, who last month failed in a bid to become the leader of Renamo, is expected to announce tomorrow that he will run in Mozambique’s presidential election this October as the candidate of the Democratic Alliance Coalition (Coligação Aliança Democrática, or CAD).

This post is for subscribers on the Zitamar Pro tier


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