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Renamo strangled by Momade’s grip

Ossufo Momade continues to tighten his control of Renamo, which will focus the blame on him after October’s elections

Today’s front pages in Maputo. Photo © Faizal Chauque / Zitamar News

Good afternoon. Despite having engineered his own re-election two weeks ago, Ossufo Momade, leader of main opposition party Renamo, shows no sign of being relaxed about his control of the party. Now it emerges that the party’s new National Council, whose names were drawn up by Momade and approved by the party congress, includes his wife, son and sister (see below). Renamo already looks set to do badly in October’s elections, having chosen to re-elect the ineffective Momade instead of a leader with wider appeal who could attract more support as a presidential candidate. This revelation will not help.

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From the Zitamar Live Blog:

Zitamar Mozambique Live Blog
The Bank of Mozambique’s monetary policy committee (CPMO) decided to reduce its policy interest rate, known as MIMO, from 15.75% to 15.00%, it said this afternoon. The full CPMO statement is attached. The next CPMO meeting is scheduled for 31 July 2024.

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