Cabo Ligado Civilian protection challenges as refugees return home in Cabo Delgado , and Zitamar News October 19, 2021
Cabo Ligado Challenges and Opportunities for Returnees in Cabo Delgado , and Zitamar News October 19, 2021
Cabo Ligado Macomia town comes back to life despite ongoing insurgent violence , and Zitamar News October 13, 2021
Cabo Ligado SADC force claims it has brought stability to Mueda, Macomia and Nangade , and Zitamar News September 16, 2021
Cabo Ligado Troops seen in Macomia for next stage of Cabo Delgado offensive , and Zitamar News August 12, 2021
Cabo Ligado Cabo Delgado districts show signs of calm as foreign troops reinforce presence , and Zitamar News August 6, 2021
Cabo Ligado Cabo Ligado Analysis: DAG's internal investigation into human rights allegations , and Zitamar News July 20, 2021
Cabo Ligado Five suspected insurgents captured in Macomia on way to Pemba , and Zitamar News June 16, 2021
Cabo Ligado Cabo Delgado refugees still live in fear of police and military , and Zitamar News June 4, 2021
Cabo Ligado Cabo Delgado insurgents kill again in attack on coastal Macomia , and Zitamar News March 30, 2021
Cabo Ligado Insurgents, government, and DAG all guilty of war crimes in Cabo Delgado, says Amnesty , and Zitamar News March 2, 2021
Cabo Ligado Insurgents rampage through villages of coastal Macomia , and Zitamar News October 6, 2020
Cabo Ligado Mozambique sends new troop contingent to ‘northern theatre’ , and Zitamar News September 1, 2020