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Where is Momade, and where is Renamo?

Neither the main opposition party nor its leader have much presence in the election campaign

Today’s front pages in Maputo. Photo © Faizal Chauque / Zitamar News

Good afternoon. Where is Ossufo Momade, leader of opposition party Renamo? The party will not say, only admitting that he is abroad and that he will join the election campaign this week. Momade had been absent since the start of the official campaigning period on Saturday. He has also rejected interview requests from state-controlled media outlets, unlike the other main presidential candidates, according to an article in newspaper Ngani on Monday. The reasons for his absence are unknown, but there has been speculation about his health. 

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Renamo’s campaign could do with some more energy, although it does not appear likely that Momade, who has been an ineffective campaigner to date, will be able to provide it. Despite the unpopularity of ruling party Frelimo, the party has not shown much appetite to  attack it and criticise its record.

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